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Location: Rural Michigan, United States

I'm a freshman in college, studying to become an elementary teacher. I just got a brand new Martin guitar that I'm extremely proud of. I love to read and listen to all types of music. I love my dogs, and I miss them now that I'm at college. I love to read and of course, write.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Stupid Me

So I decided last night to wash my khakis, I have three pair that I have for when I go to the elementary school in the morning, and they get so wrinkle-y in the washer so I have to put them in the dryer for like 5 to 10 minutes to get the wrinkles out. So I've been pretty tired and forgetful lately and of course, here it comes, I forgot to take them out of the dryer. Wow, I can't believe I did that. So that was 3 out of 4 dress pants that I shrunk to an unwearable condition. Now what the heck am I supposed to do? I wore the only pair of dress pants that I have left the day before and I am not wearing the same pair twice in a row, that's pretty skanky. So I wore jeans today. Gasp! I know, I know, I shouldn't have but I didn't have a choice. But after school today, my mom being the lifesaver (insert any other angelic, lifesaving word here), that she is decided to take me shopping for some new dress clothes. It was so much fun shopping with her, she found some really great stuff. And we also went out to eat. We went to Ruby Tuesday's, which was really good, I always get their queso dip, it's sooo good. Anyway, it looks like I won't be going to any basketball games this week they're all too far away and I don't want to drive far. I really like going to the basketball games this year, maybe it's because this is my last year, I don't know, but I want to have as much fun as possible before I go away to college and I don't see any of my friends and then I can't sit in the student section because then people will think that I don't have any friends. Oh well, there's always next week for some games.

What I'm Listening To: The Decemberists. I love this band! I can't stop listening to it, they're so different from a lot of what's out there right now and that's why I love them. The cd starts with the Crane Wife 3, which is a good song and then it goes into a twelve minute song, which is really awesome. The whole cd is awesome, the band is awesome, listen to it.


Blogger jt said...

Hey, don't be calling my girl 'stupid'!!!
I enjoyed our evening together, too, sweetie. You are so fun to be with. And I love shopping for clothes for you.. you gorgeous thing!
p.s. I smell good like warm vanilla sugar right now! Thanks for talking me into getting that lotion.

5:28 AM  

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